Sunday, 24 June 2012

What is forced reps?

Forced reps is a technique used by trainers to get a few more repetitions of an exercise (reps) out of a client than was originally instructed . For example, I asked a client to do 4 pull-ups on the assisted pull-up machine, knowing fine well that I was going to get him to do 8 in total. The client was starting to struggle by rep number 3, and was really struggling by rep number 4 - so I started to assist him and motivated him to do a couple more. As he fatigued more, I assisted him more. Through motivation and a little assistance, I forced the full 8 reps out of him.

The Good

- This technique builds confidence in the client's ability.  It's a psychological response. If you believe you are only doing 4 reps, you will do 4. If another couple are sprung on you, you'd be surprised at how the body reacts. 9 times out of 10, your body will respond by forcing another couple of reps out (with the trainer's help)

- If the muscles need to work harder, the strength and muscle gains will be greater.

The Bad

- If forced reps aren't done properly, this training method can lead to injury. It's important to only practice this technique with a trainer - they are there spot you.

- Forced reps, if done too much, can lead to over-training.

Ulitmately, forced reps are an excellent way to get the absolute most of a set. They ensure maximum intensity because a forced rep is only used when the muscle is completely exhausted and can't complete the lift without a little help. That's a good thing, but taken too far, it's a bad thing.

Happy Exercising!

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