Monday, 18 June 2012

Exercising and Nutrition

Exercising and nutrition goes hand in hand. If you want results, one cannot exist without the other. If you're wanting to lose weight, this simple rule applies - Energy input should be less than energy output. Cutting out on average 500 calories a day is the most sensible way to do it, and you'd be surprised at the calorific content of some every day snacks, or that morning latte.

Counting calories is easier said that done. My advice would be to sign up to sites like My Fitness Pal or Calorie Count as they do all the work for you. My personal favourite is My Fitness Pal as it's easy to use and has a huge database of foodstuffs. Each item on the database has all the nutritional information (calories, fat, protein, carbs).You can even download the app for free on your phone. All you do is search for the food item you had eg cereal and it adds it to your food diary for that day. If you are going to go down the food diary route, I would suggest initially doing it for 3 days - preferably over the weekend as our diet can change dramatically - before analyzing the results.

Before exercise, please try to eat something at least an hour before. Without fuel, your body cannot function properly, nevermind exercise properly. Just a snack, like a banana, will help fuel the body. Unfortunately, that means that if you're exercising first thing, you should get up even earlier so you can eat.

More to come on this subject, this is just a wee introduction......

Happy exercising!

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