Sunday, 24 June 2012

Exercises to do in the car - safely!

You're reading right! Here's 3 simple exercises you can do from the comfort of your seat in the car. I'll be concentrating on isometric contractions, or "squeeze and release" motions. They involve tensing your muscle, holding the contraction for a few seconds, then releasing.


Every time you come to a red light on the road, tense your stomach muscles as tight as you can. Remember to keep breathing! Imagine that your stomach is bracing itself for a punch - if you don't tense it enough you'll get winded. Try to get into the habit of doing this every time you're stopped at traffic lights, or a junction. As you progress, incorporate it in other areas, for example standing in a queue!


You could alternate the abs exercise with a some gluteal squeezes. Try squeezing your tush for 10 seconds, then releasing. Again I would advise that this is done at a red light just in case you get too into it :-)


Release tension in your neck and shoulders with shoulder shrugs. Lift your shoulders up toward your ears, hold for 8 to 10 seconds, and lower. Repeat 3 times. I strongly recommend you do these exercises when your car is stationary, with your seat belt on.

Happy Exercising!

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