Sunday, 24 June 2012

What is forced reps?

Forced reps is a technique used by trainers to get a few more repetitions of an exercise (reps) out of a client than was originally instructed . For example, I asked a client to do 4 pull-ups on the assisted pull-up machine, knowing fine well that I was going to get him to do 8 in total. The client was starting to struggle by rep number 3, and was really struggling by rep number 4 - so I started to assist him and motivated him to do a couple more. As he fatigued more, I assisted him more. Through motivation and a little assistance, I forced the full 8 reps out of him.

The Good

- This technique builds confidence in the client's ability.  It's a psychological response. If you believe you are only doing 4 reps, you will do 4. If another couple are sprung on you, you'd be surprised at how the body reacts. 9 times out of 10, your body will respond by forcing another couple of reps out (with the trainer's help)

- If the muscles need to work harder, the strength and muscle gains will be greater.

The Bad

- If forced reps aren't done properly, this training method can lead to injury. It's important to only practice this technique with a trainer - they are there spot you.

- Forced reps, if done too much, can lead to over-training.

Ulitmately, forced reps are an excellent way to get the absolute most of a set. They ensure maximum intensity because a forced rep is only used when the muscle is completely exhausted and can't complete the lift without a little help. That's a good thing, but taken too far, it's a bad thing.

Happy Exercising!

A simple yet healthy recipe

Pesto Chicken Noodle Stir fry (10mins prep, 10mins to cook)
Serves 2

2 x Chicken breast*
1 red pepper
Green pesto
Noodles (preferably wholewheat)
Lazy garlic
Lazy ginger
Olive oil

Cube the chicken breast and chop up the pepper. Boil the noodles.

Medium heat on the hob. Heat up a tablespoon (max) of oil in a wok. Once the oil is hot, add the ginger and garlic and fry until brown. Then add the chicken. Cook the chicken until golden brown. Add the pepper and a tablespoon of the pesto and stir in. Let the ingredients cook for a few minutes. Add in the cooked noodles and stir while cooking. Simmer for a few mins, then serve.

Happy eating!

*you can also use other lean meats such as fish and pork

What is interval training?

Interval training is a great way to get started with a cardio exercise or get better at one. The premise of interval training is based on periods of 'work' and 'rest'. The period of work has you performing at a very high intensity level and your rest period is you performing at a much lower intensity, or 'active rest' (ie not stopping altogether!)


Interval training uses your aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. Using a combination of both of these systems basically improves your capacity to exercise at varying intensities, thereby improving your stamina and overall fitness level.

Interval training also improves your tolerance to the burn you feel when exercising at high intensities, or lactate threshold. This means that the more you do it, the more you can push yourself before that burn gets too much, therefore burning more calories!

How much time for work and rest?

I would suggest starting yourself with a 2:1 ratio of rest and work. For example, if you were on a cross-trainer or rower, or even out running - go at a relatively slow pace for 2mins, then blast it for 1min. If you're just starting out, try active rest for 1/2mins, then blast it for 30seconds. You can build up your work rate as you progress.

Happy Exercising!

Exercises to do in the car - safely!

You're reading right! Here's 3 simple exercises you can do from the comfort of your seat in the car. I'll be concentrating on isometric contractions, or "squeeze and release" motions. They involve tensing your muscle, holding the contraction for a few seconds, then releasing.


Every time you come to a red light on the road, tense your stomach muscles as tight as you can. Remember to keep breathing! Imagine that your stomach is bracing itself for a punch - if you don't tense it enough you'll get winded. Try to get into the habit of doing this every time you're stopped at traffic lights, or a junction. As you progress, incorporate it in other areas, for example standing in a queue!


You could alternate the abs exercise with a some gluteal squeezes. Try squeezing your tush for 10 seconds, then releasing. Again I would advise that this is done at a red light just in case you get too into it :-)


Release tension in your neck and shoulders with shoulder shrugs. Lift your shoulders up toward your ears, hold for 8 to 10 seconds, and lower. Repeat 3 times. I strongly recommend you do these exercises when your car is stationary, with your seat belt on.

Happy Exercising!

Saturday, 23 June 2012

What is Circuit Training?

For those of you looking to build lean muscle, cut some fat, and avoid boredom in the gym, this class is for you! Circuit training is a mixture of high intensity cardio work and resistance training. The set up is stations - one station you may have sit-ups, the next station you may have prone flyes.  The next station may be jumping jacks, and the next could be tricep dips. These 4 examples use a mixture of different techniques; using your own body weight, aerobic exercise and using free weights. I have my own equipment and dumbbells of various weights. Circuit training is an excellent way to improve strength, mobility and stamina. It tones you up and is great for fat burning. I aim for a total body workout, so many muscle groups are worked in the one class!

How long am I at each station?

Times at stations can be anything from 30 seconds to 5 mins. I tend to go for a minute. If it's an exercise that involves movements on opposite sides of the body, I will notify you of the half-way point so you can change sides/direction.

How fit do I need to be to take part?

I demonstrate each exercise at the start of the class. Each of the exercises will have a regression and progression to suit varying levels of fitness and technique. For example, press ups - I would show the press-up, then the regression which would be going onto your knees or standing up and doing it against a wall, then the progression which could be a press-up with a clap, or one-handed! Work at a level that suits you.

What if I have an injury?

If you have any ailments, it is important that you let me know. I'll ask at the beginning of the class and continue to monitor your progress throughout the session. My aim is for you guys to get a great workout with no injuries! Communication is key.

Happy Exercising!

Monday, 18 June 2012

Why Personal Training?

Some people have been asking why I decided to quit my job in the current climate and set up my own Personal Training business. The truth is, I've been involved in the fitness industry in a casual capacity for about 10 years, but my line of work (event management) took me away from doing what I love. Making time to exercise started to become more and more difficult, and the exercise that I did do usually involved friends that were looking to get better at a particular activity eg running, so I felt I was letting them down. Not training makes me unhappy, so I decided to bite the bullet and do what I can to incorporate what I love into everyday life! I got myself qualified and insured, and I was good to go!

My motto is to incorporate something into your routine, whether that be daily routine or weekly routine. It has to be sustainable in order to see results. Not everyone has time to get to the gym 3 times a week. For me, I've always found the gym to be quite a solitary activity. I tend to enjoy classes and working out with a friend. It introduces another factor into the equation..."I'll be letting down my friend if I don't go." It takes a lot of self-motivation to get to the gym on your own. If you currently do that religiously - well done and keep up the good work!

My aim is for some of my passion for fitness to rub off on you. My aim is for exercising to be more fun than it has been before. My aim is to hide a boring exercise in a new movement that you didn't realise worked those muscles. My aim is to give you the tools to lead a healthy and happy life. All those things make me really happy, which in turn should make you happy, which is why I'm a Personal Trainer.

Happy exercising!

Exercising and Nutrition

Exercising and nutrition goes hand in hand. If you want results, one cannot exist without the other. If you're wanting to lose weight, this simple rule applies - Energy input should be less than energy output. Cutting out on average 500 calories a day is the most sensible way to do it, and you'd be surprised at the calorific content of some every day snacks, or that morning latte.

Counting calories is easier said that done. My advice would be to sign up to sites like My Fitness Pal or Calorie Count as they do all the work for you. My personal favourite is My Fitness Pal as it's easy to use and has a huge database of foodstuffs. Each item on the database has all the nutritional information (calories, fat, protein, carbs).You can even download the app for free on your phone. All you do is search for the food item you had eg cereal and it adds it to your food diary for that day. If you are going to go down the food diary route, I would suggest initially doing it for 3 days - preferably over the weekend as our diet can change dramatically - before analyzing the results.

Before exercise, please try to eat something at least an hour before. Without fuel, your body cannot function properly, nevermind exercise properly. Just a snack, like a banana, will help fuel the body. Unfortunately, that means that if you're exercising first thing, you should get up even earlier so you can eat.

More to come on this subject, this is just a wee introduction......

Happy exercising!