Monday, 30 July 2012

What's the difference between....?

Ever wondered what the difference between Coke and Diet Coke really is? Green peppers and red peppers? Read on to find out!

Diet Coke or Coke Zero?

Nutrionally, there's no different between the two. The difference is in taste. Both are sugar and (virtually) calorie-free, but Diet Coke contains Aspartame - an artificial flavouring that's 200 times sweeter than sugar - while Coke Zero has aspartame and a sweetener called Acesulfame K.

Wholewheat or Wholegrain bread?

This can be a bit confusing. Wholegrain is higher in nutrients and fibre as it contains the entire grain kernel, and often has a mix of other grains (eg rye, barley & oats). Wholewheat only includes part of the grain. Today's diets are quite wheat-dominated, so it's good to vary your diet from time to time.

White sugar or Brown sugar?

Both are made from sugar beet or sugar cane, but white sugar is more heavily processed, so that the natural dark brown colour from the plant is removed. This means that brown sugar contains more minerals, like calcium, phosphorous and iron, and is slightly lower in calories. Any health benefits from brown are too small to make a real difference.

Green peppers or Red peppers?

This is down to ripeness - green peppers are picked before they're ripe (that's why they're bitter). If the pepper stays on the plant for longer, it turns yellow, and further still it turns red. The red ones are both sweeter and have beauty benefits - they're a great antioxidant to help fight the signs of ageing.

Cow's milk or Soya milk?

Both contain the same amount of calcium - it occurs naturally in cow's milk and is added to soya milk. Soya milk is made from pressing cooked soya beans and is lower in calories and saturated fat, and it tastes sweeter. Cow's milk has much higher levels of iodine, which is important for thyroid function. This one is more a question of taste.

So there you have it. Hope this helps!

Happy Eating!

*content courtesy of Glamour Magazine, August edition

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